Search Results for: chile

“The Convention is a moral universal instrument against injustice to which girls and boys in the world were subjected”

This statemet was highligted by the president of the UN Committee that monitors the Convention, during the 22nd Pan-American Child and Adolescent Congress

Youth from Latin America and the Caribbean transforming education

In the occasion of the International Day of Youth, find out some actions CLADE’s national member forums are engaged with today, urging for the guaranttee of the right to education and participation of youths in their countries

Side event during the UN Forum: “We must educate for citizenship and democracy”

During the event organized by CLADE, the challenges of education in Latin America and the Caribbean were addressed, in a context of setbacks for human rights and multilateralism, as well as of fragility of democracies.

Organizations from Latin America and the Caribbean demand UN to include SDG 4 in the draft of the declaration of the High Level Political Forum

CLADE, together with other local networks, coalitions and national organizations in Latin America and the Caribbean, sent a letter to UN authorities, expressing concern about the absence of Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) in the draft of the political declaration

Consultoría sobre violaciones de derechos humanos de estudiantes en América Latina y el Caribe

Las personas interesadas en desarrollar un informe sobre la criminalización y violación de los derechos humanos de estudiantes deben enviar currículo y carta de interés hasta el 27 de mayo de 2019

Consultoría para mapeo regional de legislaciones referentes a la regulación del lucro en la educación

Las personas interesadas en realizar consultoría para mapear legislaciones sobre el lucro en la educación deben enviar respectiva hoja de vida y una carta de presentación hasta el 15 de febrero de 2019

Secondary education

La educación secundaria ha tenido un relieve particularmente importante en los últimos años. Muchos Estados de la región reconocieron que la garantía de una ciudadanía plena y participativa involucra la realización de una trayectoria educativa que concluya la educación secundaria, lo que los empujó a elaborar y aprobar marcos legales, reconociéndola como obligatoria. Al mismo … Continued